Alloy Fabweld group green credentials
Alloy Fabweld group continue to drive their ‘Green’ credentials, sharing the space with sister company Hunwick Engineering
The vast majority of Alloy Fabweld's production is now carried out using our own renewable energy. Benefitting many other environmental initiatives employed at the 55 acre site.
Our site boasts the UK’s first 100% ‘Green’ powered engineering facility, benefits from a 7.5 acre solar farm incorporating 44,976 solar panels, supported by an anaerobic digester, the fuel, which is also grown on site.
The panels are carefully positioned, enabling animal grazing, plant life and other natural habitats to continue to flourish.
The energy plant is capable of producing 11.47MWp of clean renewable electricity per annum, with currently only circa 30% of that used for production
Surplus is returned to the grid to power circa 3,545 homes.
With a huge benefit to the carbon footprint with a calculated saving of 165,000 tonnes of carbon over the next 25 years.
Reducing our environmental impact on the local and national road network and within the communities in which we work.
The Halstead production site includes significant hardstanding, laydown and storage areas facilitating a reduction in vehicle movements and ‘just in time’ deliveries into Central London
To support our clients existing and new projects or opportunities, Alloy Fabweld have created a business resilience team to provide ongoing Technical, Design and Estimating support during the Covid-19 lock down
If you require our support for your projects or further information on our ‘Green’ credentials, please contact: or call our office on : 01371 878 600
Alloy Fabweld have created work from home platforms and are ensuring the safety of our teams by complying with enhanced Covid-19 measures currently in force in our offices and on construction sites where still open.