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Supporting children at Great Ormond Street Hospital

One of our employees' grand-daughter is unfortunately a current Leukemia patient, cared for under the fantastic Great Ormond Street Hospital (GOSH). Due to the patients' extended length of time in hospital, they have noticed that they are severely under-resourced with things to do such as puzzles/games/arts and crafts/drawing/painting.

Joe recently came to our Marketing department to tell the story and to help get the company/employees on board by requesting donations of new Arts & Crafts equipment for donation to the very poorly babies, young children and teenagers. He told us how the donated items need to be brand new because the children are at high risk of infection and have little or no immune system to help fight potential further difficulties.

A facebook page has been set up to tell little Faith's story and to raise further awareness of children's cancer:-

More updates to follow (below) on this story....

Update, 8th May 2018:- The Arts & Crafts are in! We are so pleased to donate this fantastic package of books/games/drawing/colouring/painting equipment directly to the children of the Nepture Ward at Great Ormond Street. Grandad Joe and our Managing Director, Shaun are pictured here with the huge pile! Our next update will be showing the children using the donated equipment - it will be a pleasure to see the smiles on their little faces...

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