Making Cladding Work
Alloy Fabweld offer rainscreen and specialist bespoke cladding systems in metal and glass
With our many years of experience, we are able to engineer cost-effective rainscreen and cladding solutions for expansive vertical or horizontal areas, multiple features or stand-alone columns.
Alloy Fabweld have the technical understanding, expertise, design software and state-of-the-art manufacturing equipment to safely and successfully deliver even the most challenging technical requirements, complexity of shapes, or configurations.
With our focus on DFMA and modular construction techniques we are able to incorporate off site, rainscreen, or cladding systems into other primary, or secondary structures such as balconies, canopies, or architectural features.
Our offsite capability, ‘Green’ powered production facility and expansive storage areas reduces our environmental impact, improves quality and positively impacts on constrained construction programmes.
Please contact Les Purdy, below for a copy of our latest Cladding brochure, or click here for an overview:
We work to transform complex engineering needs into the best value safe solutions for our clients.

Alloy Fabweld Group
Designing - manufacturing - distributing - the best of sustainable engineered products
To support our clients existing and new projects or opportunities, Alloy Fabweld have created a business resilience team to provide ongoing Technical, Design and Estimating support during the Covid-19 lock down
If you require our support for your projects, please contact: or call our office on : 01371 878 600
Alloy Fabweld have created work from home platforms and are ensuring the safety of our teams by complying with enhanced Covid-19 measures currently in force in our offices and on construction sites where still open.